Friday, February 1, 2013

Just don't tell me how it ends.

Ruby Sparks

Being sick is not great. In fact, although I know worse things can happen, it sucks. I haven't been feeling great for a few days and yesterday I knew I was going to get to sick. And I did. After selling most of the sweatpants during lunch, I went home and slept for a few hours. When I woke up I watched Ruby Sparks and I loved the movie. 

Original can be found here.

It was a wonderful story and I (like I said before) loved it. It is a romantic comedy about a writer who one day finds one of his imagined characters cooking breakfast for him in his kitchen. And she is real. I like the idea behind this movie, it is clever and witty and a change from the same story line that most romantic comedy movies follow. 

Mock exams start on Monday so being sick now is not the best timing. So time for bed in the hopes of feeling better in the morning. Good night.

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