June 2, 2013 - June 13, 2013
Inevitably the time came to say goodbye to all my friends. The very first goodbye happend at 5 am (ish) on Tiananmen Square. One of my friends was leaving only a few days later and I would not be seeing her again. It was really hard to say goodbye after such a wonderful celebration and after a 3 year long friendship. After this goodbye followed several more. I had a dinner on Monday, I went to the alumni BBQ on Wednesday, went to the Swedish Embassy on Thursday and to dinner with friends, a goodbye brunch/picnic and my own goodbye dinner. It was a week filled with goodbyes. Some friends I also said goodbye to without knowing because they were not able to come to dinners so I didn't really get a change to say goodbye.
I went to dinner with my friends for the first goodbye on Monday after graduation. It was really fun and it gave us a chance to sign yearbooks because we didn't have enough time after the graduation dinner. All these photos are taken my friend Yunju (she is in the back row in the first picture, the first person from the left).
Photo by Yunju |
Photo by Yunju |
Photo by Yunju |
We then had the alumni BBQ and although we had only graduated 5 days before the majority of the people at the alumni reunion were a part of the class of 2013. A lot of people came so that more yearbooks could be signed and it was fun to see each other one more time when we were not exhausted from being awake for 24 hours. I said goodbye to a lot of people after the BBQ. Here are some of the photos that were taken at the alumni BBQ. These photos were taken by school's photographer, Geraldine Cuason.
Credits Western Academy of Beijing |
Credits Western Academy of Beijing |
Credits Western Academy of Beijing |
Credits Western Academy of Beijing |
The next day I went to the Swedish embassy with my Swedish friend Lovisa because they had their national day celebration. AND the original ABBA band was there. The original bass player, drummer and I think guitar player were there! It was just fun and nice to listen to some music! After that we went to dinner. After this dinner I had to say goodbye to the another friend and you would think that it gets easier but it doesn't.
At the Swedish embassy. There is no filter on this photo! |
I then had a weekend filled with packing and going to markets with my family to buy the last things that I wanted to buy in Beijing!
On my last day in Beijing I was still packing but I also went to a goodbye picnic that was hosted by one of my friends. It had the perfect brunch/picnic food and it was all delicious!!
That evening I invited my friends that were still in Beijing to come to dinner one last time. We had Chinese food and it was really nice. After dinner we went to my house just to hang out a bit and it was really hard to say goodbye. Three years had passed by so quickly and I was so sad to leave! I am going to miss (already miss) them so much and I hope that we will be able to stay in contact as much as possible even though we will all be busy with university life.
These photos were also taken by Yunju, and the second with her camera.
Photo by Yunju |
Photo by Yunju |
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