Monday, March 31, 2014

Just Breathe

Wow so much has changed since I last wrote a blog post. Since July 25th, 2013 I have moved out of my parents' home and into my own dorm room. I have started university, finished a semester and started a new semester. Met so many wonderful people, fallen in love and still am in love, made amazing friends and met many people who changed my life. Gone through so much with my families (both biological and introweek and people from this university) and I am still blown away by how fast this first year back in the Netherlands is going.

Right now I am so incredibly busy with school and this insane busyness will continue for another week. After that the regular insanity of this university will continue. Even though I am so busy I really want to start posting to this blog again. So to those few actually reading this, welcome back. This is where I want to write about the things that are happening in my life, have happened or are yet to happen. Or simply about things that pop up in my life or in my mind.

Have a good week. In a little more than a week I will post my first real blog post here again! (after the insaneness is over...)

Just keep breathing.

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