Sunday, May 25, 2014

What Time Is It

Summer time! Haha so although I already posted something about my job I also wanted to write about the actual last bit of school and parties, basically what happened in the month between my previous two posts.

A lot actually happened in those months but instead of describing all of them in detail I will show you the instagram pictures I took. I started the #100happydays challenge after some things happened in my life that had a really big negative impact on how happy I was feeling. In order to remind myself that life was/is also still good I decided to start the challenge. I try to post pictures from that day but sometimes I have used an older picture.

PS. There were some weird formatting issues with some of the pictures, I have no idea what happened and how to fix it.

Day 1 - bought new shoes
Day 2 - Spent Kingsday at the beach with Sophie
Day 3 - People serenading the apartment/dorm building for votes

Day 4 - Beautiful sunset a week earlier

Day 5 - Classy dinner with these lovely people

Day 6 - Classy selfie at the dinner with Julia
Day 7 - Bought a new dress
Day 8 - Hot chocolates in the common house 
Day 9 - Throwback to my birthday with Jeanne and Ivi
Day 10 - Dutch National Remembrance Day in the Abbey Square
Day 11 - End of Term Party Ticket
Day 12 - Onions meant to help a cold, woke up sicker than when I went to bed
Day 13 - Taco Dinners with Tisha
Day 14 - End of Term Party Shopping
Day 15 - Finally seeing my family again and admiring my mother's new clothes
Day 16 - Lush bath bomb that I got as a present from Sophie
Day 17 - Happy Mother's Day!

Day 18 - Yearbook time!

Day 19 - Last hallway dinner
Day 20 - Bartending in the common house
Day 21 - Rhetoric class outside
Day 22 - Gilles goodbye and pre-ETP BBQ

Day 23 - End of Term Party! End of the 1st year of university!

Day 24 - First day of work, restaurant on the right the rest is the view!
Day 25 - Presents for Sophie's birthday

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